A magical musical twist of the classic fairy tale!
Action, comedy, romance, rock 'n roll, and a little bit of opera spice up the story of Sleeping Beauty in this magical, musical twist on the fairy tale classic. At Princess Briar Rose's christening, wicked Wisteria puts a curse on the newly born baby after realizing she wasn't invited to the party. Three wacky fairies, along with Briar Rose's overprotective parents, quickly shelter the curious and beautiful princess, but even then the spell finds Briar Rose and puts her to sleep for a hundred years. Only a guitar-playing prince can conquer the curse, waking her with true love and a song.
Saturday, April 16, at 2:00
This performance will be a sensory-friendly performance and will be American Sign Language interpreted. For more information, please visit our Accessibility webpage.
Sunday, April 17 ... ROYAL TEA TIME
Come join us for a pre-show tea time with Sleeping Beauty and Company! Princess Briar Rose and her friends will be on hand to meet all who attend. You will have a great opportunity to take a selfie with your favorite character so you can show everyone on your social media what an amazing time you had.
Light fare of tea & snacks will be served. Additionally, those who attend the tea will get priority seating in our theatre before the rest of the audience.
WHEN: Sunday, April 17; 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. (show time is 2:00 p.m.)
COST: $30.00 General Admission (includes Royal Tea Time & Company + Performance)
*NOTE: All children must be accompanied by an adult. Seating for this event is limited. Tickets must be purchased online (not available at the door). Select the "Royal Tea Time" ticket option to purchase your tickets today!